
in 2019, Lise-Anne was so mentally-unhinged that she would not let the boys talk with their 87-year-old grand mother, Lucia Putnam. Lucia had flown all the way to France -a great difficulty at her age – to see the children and deliver gifts. Lise-Anne panicked and called the Police to have Lucia removed from the front door, and she prevented the children from seeing or talking with their grandmother. WTF?

Are you still questioning that Lise-Anne is mentally ill, and require an MD certificate proving her illness? Perhaps you want to excuse this event as a single moment of panic? Nope, Lise-Anne doubled-down and called the Police a few days later when Lucia went to see the boys at a pubic Ski Jumping Competition.

Ask yourself , “What is Lise-Anne afraid of?

Is Lise-Anne asking for a Restraining Order from her “abusive husband” ? or is she asking for a Restraining Order “on reality”? and she is fearful that her lies will be exposed.

Or maybe you think the 87-year grandmother is violent too…? or how about the other hundred people whom she prevents contact with the boys, …aunts, uncles, cousins, family friends? Are these people violent too? Previously Lise-Anne used to speak with Lucia for 3-5 hours every week…for 20 years. The two of them were best buddies. After Lise-Anne’s mental breakdown, Lucia had to be blocked too because she knew everything about the first 20 years of the marriage and family. Anytime reality comes close to exposing Lise-Anne’s lies, she has to block them.

Test it yourself: talk with Lise-Anne and witness the hostility if you ask any probing questions.

Using the Police, Lise-Anne effectively got a Restraining Order against the grand mother Lucia, and unfortunately the boys home-bound grandfather “Paput” died in the intervening years (2001) without any ability to talk with his grandchildren. It is horrific.

Scott has many Affadavits/Attestations , supporting his character as a father and a husband. Lise-Anne has zero Affadavits/Attestations.

If you still support Lise-Anne- or simply want to comfort her-, then please have the courage to evaluate the evidence or discuss with Scott. Don’t be silent. The most damning evidence is that Lise-Anne and her allies are silent- afraid to even talk with Scott or make a public statement. Don’t be a coward. If you comfort Lise-Anne in any way- and help her avoid accountability, you are supporting child abuse.

Conspirators to child abuse, like John Roberts, Christine Chung, Dani Mohaupt, Tricia Lee, Gabor and Nick/Holly hide in the darkness, unwilling to talk with Scott, or make a statement under oath. Dani and Colin Mohaupt even refused to speak with 87-year old Grandmother Lucia Putnam at their front door in Geneva- they are afraid of the Truth too. It is human nature not to criticize a mother, but when there is overwhelming evidence that mother is abusing her own children, it is your duty to speak up. Don’t be coward.

This is Lise-Anne’s behavior after the “Restraining Order” was rejected due to her fabricated “Crampon Hoax”, and I went to pick up the boys at the house (Nov 2018). Needless to say, she did not allow the “boys and I to go on hike”. Someday, I will release video with the screams and crying, but it is too much for them to see at this point. It was a horror show.